Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mama pad panty liners

Of course if my kids wear cloth why shouldn't I, right?!?! It's so much better for the environment to use reusable pads and better for your body.

I stumbled upon a terrific mama pad site that had a fabulous panty liner pattern.

The instructions tell how to turn and topstitch the panty liner so I thought I would post instructions on how to use a serger.Trace the wing and pad piece, mark the snap locations. Cut out the wing and pad piece and pin the insides of each. I used two layers of flannel for each.
Serge around each piece and then pin the pad on top of the wing piece. Tuck the serger tail from the pad piece underneath so it will get sewn down when you attach that pad piece to the wing piece. Sew a straight stitch all the way around the pad right between the edge and the serger stitching. This creates a very pretty look with 3 seams going around the pad (if you serged with 4 threads).
Use a straight stitch to tack down the serger tail from the wing piece.
Using the snap markings, place the first snap with the cap on the back of the pad.
Place the second snap with the cap on the front of the pad.

These are so soft and comfortable, I don't even notice the snaps when I'm wearing them. I actually ended up making 20 of them!


  1. Oh how oh how do you serge contours like that!!?!? :(

  2. Thanks! I have done a lot of practicing:) I found making a million breast pads helps...

    And also cutting the item out exactly and not allowing the knife to cut any fabric (that really slows things down and prevents you from achieving the nice curves). HTH!

  3. oh your stash is gorgeous! I'm getting my snap press in the mail soon and can't wait to make my own.

  4. I always thought overlocking would give a softer, less bulky pad. Those look fabulous!
